Liz Hogan

Chesham Chesham Good Earth
Chalfont St Peter Chalfont St Giles
Amersham Chesham Berkhamsted
Beaconsfield Little Chalfont
Denham Uxbridge
Gerrards Cros HIgh Wycombe
Hot Stones Denham Deep Tissue

My Site 13220
07881 826721
Sports Massage Therapist

Available Therapies

Therapeutic massage can help by:
- Reducing or eliminating pain
- Improving joint mobility
- Improving circulation
- Improving immune system functioning
- Increasing lymphatic drainage
- Reducing depression and anxiety
- Reducing tension within muscles
- Increasing body awareness
Massage therapy benefits people of all ages. While it benefits the injured, the ill and the stressed, the real strength of massage therapy lies in prevention.